
Devizes opendoors

Our regular opening times are:

  • Mondays          11:00 -13:00
  • Wednesdays  09:30 - 11:30
  • Thursdays       11:00 - 13:00
  • Fridays              13:00 - 15:00

At each of our sessions you can find a hot meal, warm drinks, surplus food, clothing, shoes, toiletries, toilet and shower facilities and one-to-one support and signposting. Please call 01380 819909 for enquiries.

Donate with JustGiving.Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American express, PayPal, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.

Market Place 2011 large

Devizes Opendoors AGM 2025

Devizes Opendoors Annual General Meeting will be held in the Southbroom Centre on 26th February 2025 at 19:30

You can download the following documents for the meeting
Agenda 2025
Minutes of the AGM 2024
Financial Statement to January 2025
Draft Annual Accounts 2024
Annual Report 2023-2024

Tracy’s long marriage broke down in 2016.  The situation was bad enough that she simply walked out with no belongings leaving four children (25, 21, 17 and 13) and moved in with first one person then another, then back with the first and so on. She had no access to any income as the husband controlled all the finances.  Three years later (August 2019) she was still not settled. She had contacted a DA service and spoke of the emotional and verbal abuse but was not deemed sufficiently traumatised for counselling despite by this point, she was in fact actually sleeping in a storeroom for several weeks. She then stayed with her son before moving in with a sympathetic member of the public.

At the start of 2020 she moved in with a new boyfriend but that didn’t last long. One day soon after Covid-19 had arrived, she threw herself on the mercy of a passing police car and that same day the County Rough Sleeper Team moved her into temporary accommodation in Wilton. She stayed there for 3 months before moving to temporary accommodation in Trowbridge in August 2020. She was there for 18 months.

During all this time Catherine and John, a couple of Opendoors volunteers, supported her in one way or another. They worked with the Council Housing Department and with solicitors. They also attended court hearings with her in order to establish her right to the value of half of the family home. The court ruled in her favour but then it was many months before her ex-husband was in a position to actually transfer the money to her account.

In December 2021 Tracey finally had money in the bank and could move into privately rented property in Devizes. Her health had not been good throughout the long period of waiting but now this began to improve and she was able to start looking for work. Opendoors helped with aspects of the application process and in March 2023 she started her new job as a child welfare assistant.

How you can help us

Sarah and guest

What we do


Help and support us

money 300

Venue Hire

Hall with tables

Need to contact us?  Email manager@devizesopendoors.org.uk to arrange to drop off donations or any other query. 

We will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.
Our office number is 01380 819909. 

The office is manned Monday-Thursday, but staff may be working off-site so calls won’t always be answered.



How to find us

Southbroom Centre is at the far end of Victoria Road. There are 2 routes to the Centre.

1. Walk or drive down Victoria Road to the flats around the grass circle, go around to the right of the flats and we are on the right before you get to the bungalows. Follow the sign posts.
2. Walk down London Road, past Morrisons, the Crammer and St. James' Church. Keep going out of town but before you cross the canal there is a bus stop on the left. Turn left there and walk along the path, leaving London Road behind you. You will see bungalows on your right and the back of flats straight ahead. When you get to Victoria Road go left around the corner and you'll see us on the left (not Southbroom House but the next entrance, Southbroom Centre).
